life style

The Best Of 2017

Its been a year since I am writing this blog, literally had some Roller coaster days and other hand I was enjoying my Merry Go Rounds.Ups and Downs are part of life and it’s so good to have a Blessed life in my Nest. Allhumdillah for everything I have, I Cant be thankful enough.

This year is going to be over in few days and it would be fun to take a look back at top Five posts of the year 2017 together.


My year started with the biggest Renovation so far, My kitchen renovation was one of the projects I still feel proud to share. It took almost 2 months to do my budget  Kitchen Make Over….Reveal!and got so many compliments and it definitely a turning point in my blog life.

received_10154705590515791An organized home is always been my dream home.I always want to have things organized, it means to de-clutter and makes a system to put things back where they belong in a fraction of the time.I made the Toys Organizer and I just love to have it because I don’t need a hand if I want to move around.

20171017_135309My blog is actually my DIY diary and I rarely post other than my DIY/ projects.I DIY Hairpin Legs Bench from scratch and I love, how it turns out.

20171019_135657If you have a passion to have indoor plants like me than this still one of easiest DIY Hanging Plant Shelf I have ever made so far.

20171005_191343I don’t post recipes much but trust me I love cooking.This Fruity Alaska Is one of my favorite and most popular post of 2017.

Just in case I missed any of Your favorites, feel free to leave a note in comments.Any suggestion, critics nice words/ bad words (huh…?)…I would love to hear all.Thanks for being here!

This year is going to end in few days, I wish you all A very Happy New Year.Hope You have a wonderful  Year ahead…..I have so many exciting projects and works are in for 2018…so Keep Reading!!



Check out the best of 2017 from some of Muslimah Fellow Bloggers.