Home Decor / DIY

Kitchen Make Over (Before)

Hi Every one,

Finally,its time to start talking about a project I sneaked  peak  on  my Facebook page long time ago.Oh Yes!!.. I am  renovating  my  kitchen almost all by my self.I have learnt lots of lessons,  failures (and returns ) but before I start talking about what I am doing and what I need to do more.Lets start from “The Before”.20170121_222937.jpgI really love my kitchen,a big and bright walkout kitchen with  lots of cabinet and a window above the sink .I didn’t touch and loved as it is more than five years ,now its time to do a make over.We updated our glass top stove 2 years ago to gas cooking range.This is the best decision I  have  ever made,I prefared to go for an upgraded model with a seperate bottom baking drawer for some quick baking and warming lunches.We choose GE profile,if you are tired  of using glass top stove I would 100% suggest you to switch to gas stove(will share my experience  soon).I desperately  want to change the ugly black range  hood which was intially white and I  spray painted black as a temporary update (that last more than 4 years).

My dish washer that comes with this house broke down I guess it was older than I expected, so we are going to buy new one soon.I definitely going to change window treatment,but no idea at this moment.

So what else is happening here…updating my kitchen  cabinet and counter top and yes back splash.You can see my oak cabinets,black laminate counter top and bare walls.


My oak solid wood cabinets were  in pretty  good condition  thats  why I  want  to  keep  them.I am going to paint them.I have lots of cabinets  and drawers,Its a bigger than average kitchen.I need to be prepared for lots of work,lots of sanding priming and of course patience. If you are intending  to  paint anything you need to wait between coats and it may takes more than the estimated  time  you  would ever think of.I  wanted backsplash  that goes upto the ceiling and Wanted it so much so I already  removed  the cabinet thats right in between  my window and my walk out door.

You can see the big bare wall after we removed the cabinet.What else,I will change light fixtures  and other time to time updates and upgrades.Are you ready?I am enjoying the change so far,stay tuned  and get inspired with me.

Home Decor / DIY

DIY Jewelry stand(Cake Stand)

Hi Everyone,

I made this simple mirror jewlary /display stand with Aleeza for her room during March Break.We brought this glitter  mirror from Dollarama for $2 and got pair of candle sticks from  Walmart 70%  off for only $4. 99 . I used only one candle stick from the box .



I simply used gorilla glue(you can use any bond or strong adhesive  )and attach the mirror to the base of candle stick.Leave it over night with some weight on.


You can use any round mirror or plate.You can use it as a cake stand or display your favorite  items on your vanity.Isn’t  so cute and  easy?


Home Decor / DIY

DIY Play Dough

March /Spring break  just started here and kids are home for more than a week.I am planning to do some indoor activities  and crafts with them as much as possible to get their eyes out of the gadgets.

Soft or play dough is highly recommended  for preschoolers and toddlers to improve their “Fine Motor Skills”.It helps to make  their muscles stronger and strengthen grip .So allow your kids to use play dough ,I know its messy thing to do but its ok you can give him with a sheet down to the floor or a carpet.

I am sharing two ingredients DIY play dough recipe with you and I am quite sure you have these two ingridents handy/home.I made this with my kids and we all enjoy it alot.Play dough or soft dough you can find any craft /toy store easily but if you can make at home it will be so much  fun…trust me…lets start.


You will need just two ingredients.

Any Shampoo with Conditioner: 1 cup

Corn starch/flour: 2 cups

Food color (optional)

Method :

You need to measure the shampoo but it *must* have conditioner , now add color into it in a big bowl.I didnt have any food color other than regular yellow food powder (zarda rung),I simply mixed water and make it (if you don’t have it ,you can still make white soft play dough)Now start adding corn flour and make a dough.Kneed it untill your dough is not sticky any more.You can check the consistency ,its Aleeza started playing right after we make it.

20170311_122748.jpgThe dough is ready you can store it in a zip lock  or tin /air tight  container  so it wont dry .We stored it in empty cookie tin .