Food & Recipes

Banana Berry Berry Smoothie

Summertime is the best time of the year, for me yes it is!!.. Ice creams, shakes and slushies are family favourites but I preferred home made healthy treats .This is an easiest and yummiest shake/smoothie, I have ever made. I used fresh fruit but you can use frozen fruits as well.


Ingredients :

Banana : 1 whole

Blue &  Black Barries: half cup

Strawberries: 5-6

Milk: 2 cups

Sugar: To Taste

Condensed milk: 2Tbs (I used less sugar because I love condensed milk )


In a blender, blend all ingredients together at once until smooth, add ice if required. Pour in glasses and Enjoy!!

life style

Bonne Fète Canada!!

Pak sar zameen….or O’Canada…??

Yes I am sailing in two boats…my heart is in back home and here aswell…When I am here I do miss everything back home more likely every day…but when I visit back home I do miss the  Canadian comfort.and we are very much use too of it but still..its really not easy to live that far from your family and friends ,especially for me who, belongs to a very loving and huge family and a big friends circle.

I landed 13 years ago, 3 months Right after I got married,at that time I had  never imagined to come that far from Pakistan.It was a very hot and humid afternoon of mid June and had a very long flight(first time ever) with mixed feeling..yes I was very excited to start my new life with my better half and sad to leave everyone there….from that day till now I have learnt (experiences ) alot,explore more(including myself aswell ) never  ever got discriminated in anyways…Not being a muslim not as A Pakistani.

I am proud Canadian, born and raised in Pakistan holds all *rights* that any other Candian born has..You wear hijab or skirt that doesnt effect anything at all….did I say I love this land yes …I DO…I equally love both land where I  born and raised and where im living currently with my beloved husband and  Canadian born(Pakistani) kids…💕

We are celebrating 150 Anniversary of Canada  with a pride…..Yes this a true equal opportunity land..and going to see fireworks and whatelse yes lots of activites going on aroundreceived_10155200001860791

Had that yummy cake at community lunch at local superstore…..

…and   going to spend this weekend with family and will sày proudly..yes I am proud Canadian Muslim Living in a land of love,respect and equality!!

Bonne Fète Canada (Happy Birthday Canada)!!