Home Decor / DIY

Toys Organizer Reveal

Hi there,

I am so excited  to share this new piece with you guys.I was sorting  out my kid’s stuff/ toys and wanted a kid’s  accessible organizer for my basement .I searched  for a cube organizer at Ikea online and really liked some of their organizers but they sadly dont offer free shipping even at Ikea pick up centers and I don’t have any Ikea near my house .I also went  “Canadian Tire” but didn’t like anything there at all.I asked my  husband  to check Walmart  and finally find the one I was looking for.”Home Trends” 8 cube display shelf, the perfect color (Rustic Oak) and size for my basement. I grabbed it right away.


It is really  heavy , we didn’t even imagine until we had to carry it in the shopping cart and all the way home.I asked my husband  to assemble  it,It took almost an hour to do it.I wanted legs to make it above from the ground but was so unsure about it since, it is not solid wood, there’s a risk factor to try it on .I thought why not try wheels . I brought wheels and wood screws from home depot.


I   asked again my husband  to attach wheels to it . It was the most wise  decision( fearful ) I  have  ever made.Wheels not only make it movable  but also make it more attractive.Make sure these dresser units  are steady enough and safe.You can attach it to the brackets if you have any doubt,it’s always better to be safer than sorry,especially  if you have little kids.

I wanted to use specific sized bin and baskets for this unit  but those were $12 and I needed  6-8, it was not economical  for me at all.I got plain ones for $4 each ,I have a bad habit to customize  everything .I was thinking to paint those baskets,than I thought better   try stencil this time.I got stencil and  fabric paint from Micheal’s.


I simply attached the stencil with frog tape and applied the paint with stancil/foam brush.Its really very simple and can be done under 5 mins.


I hang a long sport organizer for my elder son Abdullah’s  sporty items.I put his hockey sticks,base-ball bat ,his gloves and knee pads etc. I don’t have  a before pic but It was not messy but not organized either.I used big tote and bins for toys etc.I am doing some more things around that area ,will post soon.


Its  time to  organize my cube organizer .My little one has tons of cars ,Thomas and friends and train tracks .I wanted to use tags to label it but I was so excited to share with you guys,  I couldn’t   wait.I used  some of other bins too since the toys come along with that he knows the blocks belong to that bucket,so it easy to clean up after.


My kids toys are  now organized.I really feel so good,just ate my chocolate  bar…what you guys do when you are happy?

2 thoughts on “Toys Organizer Reveal

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback Anum…love to see what you do ..you may add stripes with paint or even bows/ribbon will make a difference..share your ideas..will be happy to see it..happy crafting..💕


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