life style · Mid Week Fave!

Mid-Week Fave!!


Life is so precious yet unpredictable, you never know how it surprises you.I know people who are suffering from life-threatening disease and causes are still unknown.It’s really hard to see your loved ones in pain.Every single day I always thankful and feel blessed to have a happy and healthy family.(Allhumdillah)


I got this Betty Crocker’s cookbook from Dollarama a few days ago, it is specifically written by cancer survivors for cancer patients. They shared their experiences throughout their recovery. They also shared tips to boost energy and spirit during illness and chemotherapy. How to recover and start routine along with some quick and healthy recipes with doctor’s Notes. There is some bonus section on Breast cancer. In short, it’s a complete book I have ever seen so far!


I bought this book to get to know how I can start a healthy lifestyle and also how to help if someone is fighting this battle. There is always a hope and support to defeat cancer( or any illness) is possible. Great book, I am thinking to share some quick tip from this book as soon as I finish it(comment if you want me asap). Please Pray for my friend who is fighting with cancer nowadays…please pray for her and for everyone!!

(This is NOT a sponsored post).y for



3 thoughts on “Mid-Week Fave!!

  1. Yes Please do share as we hardly find posts like this and also lots of people are suffering and go through from radiations and pain my best buddy has recently diagnosed and I need to know too…Please do post it as soon as possible…Thumb ups to Your posts..keep writing:-)


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